Items Available for Purchase

$150.00 Personalized Donor Brick in the Playground Pathway

$150.00 Personalized Memorial Brick in the Playground Pathway

$500.00 Bench (with personalized plaque)

Sold Out

$5,000.00 Outdoor Classroom

Cash Donation Amount

Please support our work by making a secure 100% tax deductible donation now.

$ .00

Plans are underway! 

PJ23 plans to break ground our new playground in the summer 2023 in hopes of completion for the 2023-24 school year.  The new playground will provide a safer, more accessible, fun environment for students and the community at large.  It will feature outdoor classrooms with shelters, will improve visibilty, and will beautify our grounds.  Make your donation today to help us make this the best it can be!  We hope to raise $75,000 before project completion.